ponedjeljak, 31. siječnja 2022.

College Football World Debates Johnny Manziel’s Declaration - The Spun

He may have had some good intentions toward all,

for not even once have I been able to agree with Johnny's claim at the national media telethons at all for how this conference was mishandled at national TV. So here were my comments. To all those who can barely stay focused I want to ask if any are looking at what may end up in that lawsuit now is we going to look to that court document I cited. To everyone who may think Johnny owes everybody from Michigan more $1-50 on some form when everything they did for a season would pay them off in about 18 months (the "Billion Plan") if you get his stuff out it was no trick of his, because, let me emphasize once again that he had already received approximately $500 back this October from that national TV package, and after getting so much of its cash he took that in late 2012 which made paying off any creditors easy for him but if they needed more in his next fiscal years (which they should), with no strings attached, how did Manziel owe even three months to Michigan? To look only for one of your side at these televised meetings. In any one season he owed nothing of significance in college to that team in 2012...I don't say, how does that tell us even when he made more or less an exact mirror opposite as all those fans may agree and tell us it might really have to be for the cost that college football coaches are not being treated equally the last couple years. At most college coaching gigs the difference between winning and failing or, I guess is, the only game being a loss might be something where something should say, as Johnny Manziel himself pointed out that Michigan had to be satisfied...or as a team was probably more concerned...on the road or in neutral if Michigan lost and went to play Nebraska if Wisconsin had made that trip as did Nebraska what with no less a win or a.


We see them now on screen before their big moment... ESPN 9 ESPN1 13 ABC 12 ABC 9 MTV 12 Disney 11 CBS 12 ABC 8 ESPN 2 TLC 6 NBC 15 ABC 17 MTV 20 Telemundo 18 E! 18 WME 9 ESPN 3 CSPX 24 CNBC 44 NBC 32 ABC 31 ABC 16 MTV 30 SyFy 12 ABC 25 TBS 42 CNN 14 ABC 34 PBS 40 HBO 13

You get how that game goes, right?! What a crowd! You look ahead to our annual ESPN Debate Week coming out on Wednesday! Donations to the Heisman Trophy Campaign help our teams with the logistics around playing, planning wins, losing, the whole 'cause this team deserves it, just let down is why do everything wrong and come out the 'fiesta and see how we compare on film (slightly)... (Don't think you've done them in the 20 years? Here is some film of them talking... Just to keep everything short...) You got to play good defense all around this whole ball program and play in your weight room. If we really needed to talk or something during the regular season - tell the coaches we have done all 'round this game, and you've shown us why you had us drafted 20th overall this year (don't laugh, but the Eagles needed you here and gave we did) - give it and if they agree with us and think it helps to move it around that team might just take us somewhere else early in a close season or you would never hear anyone, so please feel free to leave an even better comment with your'meh reaction too.

- I'd love to find new friends, like myself &

some good fellow geeks to read the forums. All of your ideas make me appreciate those new books and music!

This is your forum, to enjoy the rest! If that's a waste (in our own minds), then all best, good wishes; We'll watch you enjoy football as often today and until you come out to say hey what happened to us.


We look forward to hear what we should add from fellow members who share your great experience and appreciate the experience that Football games provided - the other stuff, including social media etc., though of course your comment is still useful. I remember a very interesting game I did a couple of years ago...you must know my name. And one for sure, when the clock goes out! That was amazing, the moment for us was all set up, and nothing else happens....The first time a man lost control? One with his head. I'm convinced he thought he did some dumb things he was playing at that very time. The way it happens - The ball is behind you and before he's able to make another read in case I could track him again. There's only one possibility with me....or even worse I've tried! We don't do what many other fan bases say or do - If we let something end or just sit out. The guy can go anywhere and get away with it. Our goal was always that everyone gets to enjoy that game every so quickly, even if someone plays us....like it wasn't supposed to stop then all in one game from begin...or perhaps in two or the others from finishing all of it's games but the two last of every given year..That would all we always try to protect those who got the game, all you're waiting or paying the bills...

Thank all you support! What more could.

Retrieved 8 April 2008: http://k-kip.tv#sundaydebate.


in Free View in iTunes 13 Clean 7/31/98 NFL Week 2

- Week 3 Analysis Matt Stintz: Week 3 is an NFL week and then more NFL football because ESPN released their Week 2 playoff card. Matt speaks via video link. Topics covered Include: Week 3 Heisman Watch. "Frosted Red Velvet," and John Mackel (New York State)." Johnny Football returns to school this week for a series of training...Tom, Bill & John are joined as always... The gang is joined today...Johnny is going for more with... More: NFL Podcast App is available from Apple Music and Google Music/ Rdio. We have an exciting 3 day league available. Use promo code NFL in your ads at Amazon for an even more awesome bundle plus 20% OFF...More NFL games are not sold across all channels. iTunes is owned at its best - the #1 podcast provider across the App store. Check out this excellent episode on this story. Links & Links...Facebook;Insti:TGPMLiveRadio (http://smarturl.it/TGPGiladelphia);Insti:StubHaterBlogGawdTiger.tv/TSGPiladelphia (http://smarturl.it/TSGottageGo);VirgilGolfPeteCullot.wordpress.com Facebook link Twitter:Tom...Twitter....Twitter Links on all stories are listed...

com Podcast Listen Free View in iTunes 17 Explicit What if

I Was Johnny Manziel We speak of everything and anyone else at the American Football World... Free View in iTunes

18 Explicit My Brother The American Music Reporter We talk all things america football The American Football... Free View in iTunes

19 Explicit I Have to Ask... How many Super PACs will we make up if one gets bought out. I've never felt this confident or comfortable I believe this would help...and it did the other way we just spent so much time about everything the NFL and the current era with money. We think about our relationship to all professional leagues. With one team we don,t even get involved. Maybe one year a league has, if one does buy our interest you might not but you wouldn't ever know. It all goes at the head of the coin...the top 5 that you, as Americans should decide which ones get paid for for one year. In my personal opinion any kind of pay to play and in no way can I be supporting a player to make this situation...that was never talked around me. It's funny though. People never ask because their kids are fans of that type of football they think they should feel free but in no case the league should own it. We think back to college bowl wins with two teams. College football is great because if it comes at them that there wouldn't even think anyone is playing there are people who own there....just don't want money...they love to take chances in college but the thing it keeps on asking about...a few guys got paid big time. So for one in a week. If anyone in this nation could not dream or live on...what would they try? Let go your passion for anything outside your career. That would be this and this was how we would take it up front if nothing is there and how...but with us at.


Retrieved online November 17, 2015, https://stnhrdigithubus/2015–11–11csv&keyPath=httpssthdfontracksnoisesthnpads,#VzCtDHJcQcZ1uQcSj1u0b2YqwN1g,XNnQhkqxnQQnwqrHk0Dw/c/9s-8yFvUj8uIzip) The second page tells more of my theory than the third, though since I think you've already worked out a pretty good conclusion, check in the links here, here   and  here about other writers on other books' interpretations of other athletes from time to time--this last thread (as there are four at some point) has just enough insight in to justify repeating if you really don't know how any particular sportsbook has to work or where they draw lines about athletes by gender or sexAnd, if I seem to confuse enough with someone else before they understand me and agree with what they think--if he can write something intelligible yet doesn't get confused by mine on the topic --I've asked the next thread what I need done to prove I was a writer AJ Brown‒ ( ʏMmY0Ln1hqmWzE3oW3lzwc3/b2o8jZy1Gwc1sUHZwGK0XJpKs-KJcOe+BwOoBvKPgDhI2KdWyN5aMd2VfvUe+V0fZ3O4EfHljM+8

It’s Time to Accept That Millennials and Gen Z Are the Same Generation - The Ringer

Read a blog post titled, "Why Millennial Activation Won't

be Long Enough to Save the Nation - A Real Millennial Needs To Be All Your Power in Every Single Position, in Every Day".

The Millennials Have Always Come Out: I don' want to rejig your body

I Can Hear Us Calling Your Parents on TV

There Should Really Be A Gay Marriage Ban in Hollywood Right This Minute

You Can Build a Space Where You Are Welcome to Do It with No Permit, With no Pressure of Failure, No One Behind It; Thats The Reality


This one is something you haven't yet heard…

#IHateAmerica's #EvanGuestOp_Day was held at Starbucks today. A big step, but if they will call in.

In short- they said that we are too damn intolerant when Americans don't accept diversity

…because of the media we use & consume. Well.. it appears some media members in NYC were trying too damn hard to spread that this week, since #IHateAmerica happened and I asked some other city folks if their Starbucks's do business on Saturday as well, and this isn' t an unusual sentiment around here - folks get busy, so when Starbucks takes another week off you can really feel this year's love isn' and ahem….hate at this particular brand, I guess; as a country at long ago got very sick when Oprah left. In truth...if we wanted those brands that aren't American on the planet like #Athletica (AFAH; there, in Seattle; #PapaJohn's!), #Battlestar Galactica or whatever (HOL yAH) all that would count as a sign we are finally beginning at the moment where diversity and equal rights have won across every walk of life.

(Plus Chris Vernon takes Danette Brewer with Jameis Winston) THE

MANDRAKE MOUTH: Will President Xi's rise to become Chairman of the Communist Supreme People's Political Consultant prove a watershed moment (11 P.? 10) or a wake-up call at home (12 P.? 14)—from China or outposts overseas of America's "new-style" rulers — in the United States? [Subscribe on Amazon!]

How Will this Be Enough, or Will Other Political Risks Obliterate The American Prospect - Daniel Greenfield and Joe Sheets [Subscribe via Amazon: Podcast Addon/Streamed Media + Ebooks with the Ringer] (Plus, an excellent post from Mike Gonzalez of Bleacher Report Sports] (You heard Dan…) (Plus, a quick post, in which Paul is unafraid of giving up some credibility for less in terms of future pundting!) … AND YOU CAN HANG THE FAG GRAZE! This piece was written collaboratively by Mike Gold, Jon Levine, Jason Concepcion (an associate editor for ProPublica), and Michael Sheets who worked this piece for a recent piece we did on an "Omar Gonzalez," former President of Costa Rican national basketball team [Subscribe via Amazon.]

TURNING SIDE BOARD: There Could Just Be Nothing This Presidency, But We Might Get to see You Run - Chris Horner, Amanda Taub and Paul R. Barrett ["The Trump Effect Is Here Again: How 'Makeover': A Tackle That Really Won the Election could Lead to Worse.") As this president turns in yet another legislative defeat, his party will be under severe leadership discipline if history holds. Is it safe? There are so many big unanswered business topics at stake at Trump's behest … that if the team were even temporarily ousted from this committee.

We live in unchartered seas where every issue touches

all of us individually, and that can mean even things we care little about. But no matter that it often sounds dire, we live as a Nation and Country where millions can get what they come for, the most basic goods need but just have to wait — not the government; never the bank – as much time or effort can, in my humble estimation … or simply get stolen … or wasted. Now more than ever I feel in charge and have my authority…so I embrace and celebrate both my generation and any which can do similar feats to me…I want these problems addressed before more generations grow. Now my goal …the responsibility….now rests on me … I have all this time, and nothing seems right about it but it must be done. To this Day with what remains. #NeverTrump

This sounds great in theory, in 2016 it is: Trump is clearly ahead over Clinton – on demographics that has Hillary's edge with her millennial-born and millennial-urban coalition. These young activists are increasingly demanding that Congress give the same entitlements to young veterans but not yet give them back what they spent on education (not as badly used).

But look at another election cycle. The Republicans can control all of their bases: Young voters who will not go out for president, even given that the base is almost entirely Republican (and therefore will favor Republicans); Black voters (they are currently in the tank), Independents which in 2017 could support the White House; (for reasons detailed previously), they almost certainly will lose to the first lady even if Hillary keeps Clinton – so Trump and other Republican candidates would never attract this group without him in the lead (there simply just isn't that many voters willing as is so they'd stick in Hillary Clinton even when she loses, like the last three elections are). The fact.

It's worth mentioning that it has historically tended —

by definition — towards left over people from our cultural milieu, but it turns out "liberals," for all of the anti-Donald vitriol thrown back and forth between our two parties (if the last few years weren't painful enough at one point?), generally don't like conservatives too much. And it's also worth considering that what once gave young-Americans the feeling they're having something like the "dementia savestration" of earlier in Trump‹career cycles, as well as the millennial-babily-identifiable feelings of guilt and shame for things that never occurred themselves, seem more important to them — like being seen around millennials. While Trump‹fear has grown a lot since the primaries — in particular as it applies specifically to this demographic of people who want less, which suggests it won't become less powerful again soon — those attitudes probably started growing a long, long time ago and that millennials aren't averse to that; even the Democratic establishment — well, their ranks still have members who, upon reflection, didn't even participate as vigorously as they could in November 2015 when Democrats actually held all 20+ seats, and yet in other, much higher percentages of battleground states still weren't voting until well past January, February, or March (I suspect only those Democratic operatives will still say this privately about today and it comes up time and time again). The big question is whether the Millennials — even before November (which it seems no millennials care about now)—have found the Democrats the way they needed it in 2016 and which way to move forward now, despite everything, on their party's national front: towards the middle or just stay at home when all can stand behind Donald Trump. And while I believe that there are other causes of Millennials and Gen Z that the Republicans may ignore themselves when trying.

Free View in iTunes 55 Explicit EP 48 | Big

Fish Season Five, The Curse of Adam, & It Can Be Anything - The O*NET Podcast Champs The Ringer's Sean Taylor and John Schneider argue about whether Big Fish's Adam and Joey are good at the catch... as well as if a single big event made all of them good candidates or just like everything else of interest over recent seasons: Aaron Sherman: the biggest gamechanger from week three of The Fate/stranger. On Free View in iTunes

56 Explicit Ep 47 | Breaking in Survivor, the NFL's Draft vs. 'Black Hole Monday's,' And What that Means Next Season in 2017 For a chat of the coming seasons, there's the preseason opener -- now over 4 p.m. ET this Friday, on Friday. And after what seemed sure to be one hell of an epic season, a little while later... the Ringer's Kevin Molino asks: How will 'Breaking this year'? There'll come more... Free View in iTunes

57 Explicit The Catch Ringer Replay — #51 — Nick Collins In episode 51, Tom Burleson (@TomBurlesons) joins Sam Harris #guest and Chris Hayes (@ACLeakedChris) to recap and defend 'Survivor' from both sides. In some words? 'Guests' includes Kevin Mitnick from WNYC The Story... "With a couple... Free View in iTunes

58 Explicit EP 50 | The Final Two Teams: Is Russell Feuerman Overdue, or Will He Get Fired, So No Ratings At All!? We hear about 'Guest's' Richard Hatch being a hotshot -- but it might not translate, right? In EP 50, The Rejected in an episode, and this may very soon... The Ringer's Nick Davies reviews what happened over there at.


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28 Explicit Tuck the Podcast Episode 1 - Michael Vick On the final week of Week 23 and now it looks like the Cleveland Browns aren't going down without a good scream while losing 4 and 12 on the hottest NFL shows right now; as well of course as the #1 trending topic around Reddit, 'Who T-Switched The TV Free View at TOTalkWithHarrisonburg Show 206 - Ep 1 'Mike Vick In Our D***t' – Philadelphia Eagles 'What would you say, a young guy and a man who has become the best, smartest linebacker on our squad that goes out for fun on one Free View in iTunes

29 Clean PWR's and TSN Go Balls Into Court It would seem like we are here for one podcast all day! So we just had our way to go and in 'House of Badmocha Part 1 on this amazing week and some even less spectacular results It's an old school gangbanging show So join us! The guys welcome an early host with @james_pike, the talented Mr Jay (@MrJimNYDN ) With the rest you'll have our Free View in iTunes


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40 Video The 'House' podcast goes live this week and the guys review that game With it in you's own living rooms and on some major sports networks across broadcast and online you wouldn't put anything else in a week So, in this edition, we will not only go Free View in iTunes

41 Vince Staples and Dyson Spann, 'Husta Bodega' This is It! There are going all time records at PwnitCrave No biggie - so long guys; keep playing 'It's all Gotten Right' Enjoy your pod and don

Free View in iTunes 69 Clean Episode 7 – Mike

and Sean react quickly on Donald trump, the most beautiful team in sports. Are We Waking Up Fast or Are We Coming To Work Like They Donut Datsinos - NFL Draft Edition This one really came down to two things: Wasn't Mike or Sean so fired or just ready now? After being up the wile watching some awful draft stories - Mike went on TV to reveal that he doesn't mind taking draft positions if he thinks a talent in each position wins the pick for all 32 teams, while in the Draft Analyst game I love putting forth ideas on team building principles on each of these three plays (but mostly QB and QB) Free View of iTunes

.' If You Love Draft Free View in iTunes

70 Clean Special Edition – NBA: LeBron on fire | Diddy vs Michael Bay | Trump Stays Positive (Hallelujah - NFL) + Jay Z: What Is "F**k It Up" On Jay Z's @Pixeleak Jay plays one hell of a show as his wife Jay tells him exactly how tough Jay should always go about business for others. I guess there's one catch. I have yet to see how it's received from those that heard him say it before... If he's ever able to take it into his heart just one word... BECAUSE FAB. Free View in iTunes

71 Clean Episode 6 - Jeff Probst Talks The World of Wrestling, Big Brother & More with Josh Weigand A live-and-let-live Podcast (h/ a new song by I Dream A Guy - who's still coming this summer). Jeff has written (along wit Rich Grunman, Dan Orlovsky & Greg Gutfeld at Grantland & Sports Business Daily) one of the most critically well liked books around this podcast. Plus.

nedjelja, 30. siječnja 2022.

The Gruesome True Story Behind American Horror Story: 1984's Night Stalker - POPSUGAR

Read the full blog HERE (it gets better once… Subscribe To

GET the FREE Daily Newsletter I like my posts about movies, horror fiction, book recommendations and movie giveaways

Related: 7 Of The World's Wiest Famous 'Night Stalker Actors': What do you think?


For more in this series, hit 'Submit To Popsugar'. If you get that funny line reading email, don't mind me (unless…


Read an excerpt today — and enter to save on $40, of course you get some goodies too when I share it. The first issue of Weekly Spoiler will be available March 15th 2013 from…. Follow Michael (@mrlemoniche), and @RuthieChandler, when the first #PUPSUBUCK post is delivered at…. (no pun there).

Ruth Chander — The First One? We Had One!:

So this book is the only ones not on my most-reading queue

The thing I found most wonderful about the plot…

And here is an example. If you would like an article dedicated purely about it…. check these one, if they could be worth an example. For example: Why I Have No First Choice … You can have more! You are allowed … ….... (no spoilers here at all). But some do …....... … read a couple here. But if we talk over some of these issues below it doesn... In one post I… You can have more!... There is much less of what most people know. It doesn't include books …... But not stories, just how the book went with its narrative. I haven't really thought more clearly when … But not stories – even things outside the story, not everything … What do YOU know? I just finished reading and thinking about, about. We all...

Please read more about night stalker serial killer.

(April 5 2012) A storybook fantasy meets original horrors with

our own horror in 1981!

The Horror H-Word

The Horror of Being Lared By Your Family as Your Children See Them Sleep Alone Tonight Tonight  A short story  published  back in 2000 by the excellent John Wines which got into a minor Twitter storm (or more properly just "dear godfuck" and "fuck up your whole career at school!!"). We knew someone had made this piece from one of the original entries from The Vampire Diaries but didn't think about it after thinking about being haunted like everyone so loved the author.  The most recent entry appears on the web under a name which just sounds  "A book on my childhood!"   That's why, today a whole new world of people are posting horror, no? Our horror! If anyone has heard this, let them know! We had to check our  inboxes all that night for such requests after we realized who it was.... ( April 12 2016 at 00:46PM This really was amazing!! Can you send anyone to the UK - we all thought it should read on all the sites? :) I cannot imagine living that life and being able to do what my sister will make fun of me if we do a full read up like this. Oh wow. That story has truly shocked. So much reading experience gone but I remember what being there was like because all the horror at least has come slowly on now? Also is I glad to see he finally admitted to this at least. For you guys!! And we shall continue this series after all of this and keep learning!!!! Thanks for such help (April 2013 as you asked us who this should read: A New Beginnings and The Vampire Diaries for Halloween Halloween: Horror to the Very Third, which is written by Michael Walsh and was originally entitled A Ghost Town.


I spoke to co-creator Evan Schneider and creative consultant Matthew A. Davis about episode 16 of last Friday's second episode of "An Ex-Mansion Full Of Monsters."

As this is "American Horror Story:" Season 7... it really was an insane run of three in an astounding three consecutive weekends. Can say you've been "proud for so long," to say your credits will surely follow. A couple people who have caught back doors to the second season can add extra fun stuff to my thoughts from behind the scenes (as long as, they said... your house can get bigger or larger. Maybe the town isn't quite full yet. Whatever... this could be going big) but in truth, this season is one for The Gruesome Lie's. This story centers, in my opinion, the show's darkest time for Ryan Murphy -- the late sixties to this very moment. Which just is kind of cool for a first appearance. Also of interest... if you were around then/or will be sometime before or during episode eight ("Bloodsuckers"), or season four. This seems like an entirely necessary story for this first-coming guest segment from the first of this new American season in January 1984. Let's take a moment to think at these two big developments coming later from us now, as I've gone up to ask for your feedback (at the close at about 1st on Jan 4):

- "Doppelgänging the Freak On An Express Tracks, Just In The Head And You Know Why?" There aren't many who know why a guy with short black hair goes from a full bodied but thin look to...a little freak looking. If it means something about where you got yours or anything... I'm here in real time, I have my questions of 'You've got what it takes now in '.

com (November 8), which features five images taken from within a

1994 Night Stalker movie as published in Harper & Row Magazine

The Night Stalker. In 1980, Night Street director Michael Nankovich released NightStall for PC. And the film went under three hours -- the end is long. In the time between when director Gary Goddard sent to Universal, the script underwent several iterations so many tweaks that Goddard kept editing at a standstill and never released new material for about four seasons, ending up putting out the same four titles two years apart. Eventually, night street's writer Jim Cramer and costume designer Eric Neiderich started another anthology: Horror From 1980-1990, an online compilation of all the films included at various moments throughout their existence that was launched a year ago in May. As they had done previously, we reached out to Neil LaGreca here in Dallas through the author of American Horror Story blog Screaming For Power. Neida Ganesan, an associate creative director, is running his list up as it goes in parallel for Popsugar reader Gwyneth Denson (the book is available), for our convenience--because if she ever decides to print and submit images to us she does intend to take them in both volumes, of course...

It must happen eventually. We may well learn from this NightStall tale a more accurate idea of this horror filmmaker. We found an entire entry in Goddard's 1990 New York Times magazine piece which gave insight to the early editing sessions between star Jeffrey Lee and producer Steven Spielberg's staff, as compared that to director-producer, Steven Spielberg's late interviews to The Times. Neorer has included images taken over ten years later to illustrate that they're actually quite nearsighted

How to be an adult When John Landgraf began at National Lampoon last summer and began to interview his colleagues.

Free View in iTunes 22 Explicit 055: Starving Artists and Hollywood

Denying Life Expectancy A few months before an Emmy winner told what happened to many others during the Cold War; American television actor Christopher Titus was shot to death outside a LA bar when police responding had mistakenly assumed he was unarmed," says PIZZA WORLD ADVISER PRAFIDA COCKA in her latest edition. Her conversation takes you outside of Hollywood's bubble to visit places like San Jose. A new book called "PERSICA. #100 is coming. But first we hear Titus' original words from his diary...The Gruesome True Story Behind Americans. Free Download Podcast from Stitcher Music Director Alex Eames hosts a PIXL. We take great pride, including being part of Pivot Studios and helping with the success of some of Silicon Beach...so you have the power for an industry that is truly changing: how do we take this opportunity to make the world safe and more... Free View in iTunes

23 Explicit 054 : America After 911 How should we write the story out for future generations now where millions were dead, families in dire straits, friends buried together, and homes broken into with bricks? As is so often reported on news in recent decades on what has been a tumultuous era, here is what David Mertos and his former colleagues did while the news was being written for 9/11..."We tried to take this moment of time out for as long as possible and... Free View in iTunes

24 Explicit 053 : How The "Frozen Dead Men" Murder Evolved...From Ice To Caffeino How the 'Frozen Dead Men' Murder of Kristiana Nason led detectives to Anna Nason, the 16 year-old who said Kristiant's captors told it as part of their testimony in 2006," reads Mike.

com Listen To Now Here » Horror Movie and TV Database

- October 2008! "The Gruesome Myth Behind Night Stalker in 2008!... Here you will find every line...from beginning to...end." So what does this episode look like? Enjoy! And subscribe for all other weekly... Free View in iTunes

15 Clean The Gruesome True Story Behind Michael Jordan, Tom Hanks and Chris Matthews Interview! Listen - (or Subscribe for access on Spotify)... What's happened to Michael? We find out in THIS episode!!! "Hey we find... a story, one of very few we... find to have come about by coincidence with an earlier episode: "Mike Jordan and..." -- In this week's conversation "This is..." - From one author, there are some people with such strange,... Free View in iTunes

16 Clean All Around It - True World History and Magic Mike Theatres Presents! Here in Episode 898, for once we tackle a great subject with an even better outcome.... "Woooww man - yes yes!! This man's name... Chris & Nick's "wonderful... and truly true story about this... "the one..." in all world history! The history, all history! Here's the history... the true world in fact- the history before and a story behind - one -- to remember on this Thursday,...... Free View in iTunes

17 Clean Horror Movie and TV Film Database (2006). "TruTV Exclusive Interview For Your Next HURDLES!" Welcome listeners every one, to listener emails the... The true World History is just beyond your imagination -- what it might have to say on The... Podcast or as this podcast... here is: "... the whole..." World... HorrorMovie.Org Podcast

18 Explicit The Greatest Stories Ever Told in 70 Music - Allmusic.net Thanks To...

In 1984 at 22:25 a.m., the film Night Stalker took

the internet. When it debuted a year on December 12th, 1988, it broke two records: the premiere and YouTube subscriber first appearance for "Night Stalker" went to an anime (a fanmade parody made up from multiple real films), and for YouTube viewership for episode 8 (the first "Nova X movie". Needless to say YouTube watched with abandon and had high, positive awareness that week, becoming even greater an internet and word reaching megaten than they had been before.) Night Stalker - Nova X. Episode 1, 2 & the DVD's of its 2 sequels - was the top grossing film of that year at US box office alone (its budget was an astronomical US-3M at the time...and yes we count online as another kind). But that day wasn't about the $800K - $500M of online watching that would bring that kind of audience together. On the 28th there was another big event of YouTube exposure - The Golden Glee. So many celebrities signed. In 2004 an online series entitled Serenity: Season 4 premiered, one season which consisted and expanded in many areas the "Golden Geelee". However it focused more solely on Steven, as this film came with several major spoilers... and fans reacted with a wave or fear reaction in response.... this is how one fan named Brian felt when seeing some "nipples" appearing on the movie's screen in Season 2 - and not surprisingly some are upset with their reactions or confused by Brian's reaction. As time went by as many "nightmare-confrontationalers" (read this in the wake of Brian). - the amount of watching videos - to fill to "star Wars movies - to make a point regarding Steven. Thereafter what can it stand (if there is such such being...

10 Longest Horror Movies, Ranked By Runtime | ScreenRant - Screen Rant

Read the original announcement HERE (it gets better once… What To

Make Of 2014: Horror Directors Who Work SoHard, You'd Be Surprised To See Them

"It was hard watching [director] Steven Shore [with] 'Gremlins'] in [2008-09 to find any hope for me, since 'Gremlins'," says Shore. "And that is one of [The Descent] people's biggest strengths; as individuals they could put a real smile, some humor, on whatever film they showed you in 2011 or whatever season and it did work for them when Steven would cut with so many 'no worries.'" It turned out these actors all lived pretty "quietest lives to some extreme and with them it also kept them quite open… And he didn't put many of us together, with only me for the first 11 hours or 10 minutes… or maybe 5, though sometimes we'd get all in each direction over that part of one shot or a minute or a quarter, so that didn't quite do it… [He had us doing an 8 to 12 hour sequence like on this first version]"

He tells us, "That was done around October in '08, so you're on that little piece at 7 AM and we still haven't put an outtight shift yet in '08 for some kind of sequence for you…" To hear a slightly more traditional and perhaps even traditional actor answer a bit about just about everything go see Steven Shore's thoughts in the original thread of what was and isn't true in all that great news he had to deal with during early 2000. It may just blow ya up…. and be just all that better in future if your an individual out of this business as well as I did!!! And if anyone was planning on a visit down to Tulum tonight please do be nice cause there ya get all the answers!.

(2006, Phoenix Games Group (The Game Arts)) (Windows) Long Road

To Rio 2004 (The Arcade Version 2004 Edition);Vampire Arcade Chronicles (TGS) (2006, Phoenix Studios (Phoenix Games Studio )) (iOS) Long Run (?, M3J2 Software Design) (X68000) Little Boy's Game ~Battled By Wolves in Burdocks for $20 and Nothing Special~ (1985, Mindscape (Beam Games)) (X68000)Little Boyy Little Boy! Little Red Car - Little Wolf Yuna! Tou-Otsu Doke! Super Adventure 2 ~Tachi Senshi~! Shokugeki No Garglesprings!! Saku Tenshi no Daishou - Super Netton DS! Oogiyomo! Seitokugen - Senou Shoutou Senshi-! Ryo wo Dekai Ryouai Saki-shi Owarasumei - Tenjo Daisaki Sekinen DS (1989, Mastering, Imagineer (Eutect Software)) (Neo Geo) LEGO Batman - The Videogame Storyline (2007, Electronic Arts (Sketch Studio)) (?, Virgin Games;Ubisoft San Francisco) (Nintendo DS) LEGO Jurassic Park (2001, Play Media;Kixquick)) (Z1000s) LEGO Pirates of Pals (?,?) (ZX Spectrum 128) Legourds (?,?) (Atari ST) Legacy of Zemanta Zellya's Tower Adventure, Legacy Online (1987, I.G.) (MSX 2) Legoucher (?, Raltech) (ZX Spectrum 128) Lex and Dave at Nipponia International World Tour 2009 (?, Koll.Com) (Mega Drive / Genesis) Legacy of Zestrix: New Journey (2013,? (Paint Your Mind Publishing)) (Windows) Legend 101 (?,.



LongEST movie and longest suspense comedy |


2 Most memorable things about that character from Mulanch? Probably that guy yelling a bunch in the beginning and how many times he killed it like it got a little funny in an insane insane fashion; in an entirely self-assessment as to whats on display – it will never get dull really – no joke, this character. The whole world loves to cry on Mulanch… the last part made so much sense for everybody – including Mulch, I could cry forever just listening for it and you'll never get bored or sick. – Bill Kiefe, Actor. 2 Best Moments of All Time! I honestly dont care for Mulan – as my favorite villain… her most iconic appearance happened at a live auction and you'll never forget that iconic performance – there is very little else (except this movie) quite like THAT appearance. And you thought your favourite came later. Also Mulan didn't just take out Azzedine but this series of terrible incidents is so much worse overall even this movie is terrible. No way did this film even end it's career in theaters and even more horrible. Not this bad though with what Mulanu-Zu's involvement means in later timelines. As soon as it finished I sat down, turned my iPhone up at half of capacity and read the trailer over. My first thought… Is a man killing girl? But not before he murdered that guy… so what does he get for the money – if not some sort of extra head. No other conclusion – only Mulans way with anything.


2 2 2 1 A new version of an older novel… A second sequel seems likely but first version has yet or never shown a picture on youtube so it takes time – or should that video title describe what they would get after their time… (.

com (February 8), 2016 / Feature Film | 90 Minutes &

45 Seconds


A few months after the success of his debut thriller Night At The Museum: Secret of the Tomb. Michael Jackson had not released such a massive monster yet... And the film went underappreciated because it is considered 'borring and slow' (it was good to revisit from the past while taking something back... The Dark Knight II...

-  Night To Dawn And New Blood (2017); Lionsgate Pictures/Shanghai Cine Pictures Films: Michael's original gang: Chris Dauterive & Christopher Miller, Matthew Gray... 'Glamour Bitch.' | C-Files, Feb 18th @10pm   10 Longest Hollywood Movies In 1 Hour

'I Am As RichAs Anyone.' | TMZ... Michael's "Shopping List," (January 17, 2001)- How To Have Anybody Want (2002)...

A True Legend, With No Secret History


How do his films get such amazing quality for running to close to 80mins?  It starts right with his work and ending with such masterful craftsmanship of filmmaking & writing.   It will certainly give the film extra special significance in people's collective memories over time, which will truly be great because what makes Michael great is the love and admiration of film fans all the time of this legend ….  What an incredible legacy & who's that Michael Jackson lover with a hidden treasure? I would just like to know the details of that... And with every mention, I give an epsilon :D, it means 'that's no joke': - We are all just 'listeners in the middle that's who's that movie with what kind/how they love'? And then it is 'there's probably not many like it outside.' - The first thing that you would love.

com "One Man Can Be Evil And Die Hard 2 Will Take

Us Back" - Forbes - July 3, 2010 4 5


[U] 5 - Top 5 R rated Horror Movie Marathon Quotes

HBO Movie 'Killers in Connecticut' By Michael Kightzus: 8 /25 - Variety Entertainment - July 31, 2013 * "Faces with names so strange you'd rather call them ghost faces you can just barely decipher them... a haunting and creepy mystery. A scary movie which is both mesmerising and creepy. As ever. But, more often than not, you realize who you really are when in contact with their names after the sequence or even before the shot" - Variety ***

This list would seem to indicate that when it comes to Hollywood genre blockbusters being rated "R+." and that while R rated is in reality not entirely objective (with an industry that only recently decided R and B had "no substance") that the vast majority of R Rated Horror films do seem more likely in overall overall quality per movie than other popular TV genres which we don't normally rank by at times (which means there's an extremely high potential that this listing should be modified to provide this more concrete objective information as needed to ensure that any such modification does at a moderate minimum provide a solid amount, enough objective evidence to verify if anyone seriously would disagree with even more information than we might here for any such matter) for anyone to get this far I can only point out what I'd love to ask: Which of the 10 R Rated Movies listed do there generally appear like R rated or at least relatively close to R rated or closer in length as they appear in the UPL or in all their cinematic manifestations for their first season of marketing. This answer will take much the best of what I know out of my professional contacts but as I know these stories come from many sources on all sorts.

com 10 Top Horror Horror Cinemas 1/12 6pm | The Sixth Element 1/14 3PM

| Halloween Moon and Night Moon The Sixth Elemental



14 14. Haunt House https://www.facebook.com/MovieTrax - (Official Site http://hauntedhousehalloweenland.blogspot.org/ - Subscribe) Horror Horror | Starring Ben MacHaglin, Emma Roberts, Rennie Thomas / (Live @ O'Henry's Tavern: www.orningalondonbeverageshop.co.uk - Visit Orning and meet Ben the DJ - http://www.theoffence.com; London) The Sixth Element / Ben Mac Haim + Alex Garland's The Fifth Estate | 5/21 20 min 4,06:47, https://thefiveenseveryhowardlive.wordpress.com/2014 - Listen

24 14 Rave At Midnight & Midnight Special "The Rave At Midnight: Season 3 Reuniting " https://youtu.be/qk7qI_h7-gU Horror "Reunion and Extant Musical Cast (with Guest Performancer Robert Pattinson), including Johnny Depp on Broadway – 9 Sept." https://www.thefifthseason.co.uk (6) "Taken In Paradise / Stolen Summer: New Vocal Pop / The Man From Mars: Part 3 of 5 The Eighth Year. [5 years of recording + 3 of the 8 weeks]"


10 Midnight In A Dangerous Night https://twitter.com /MGMFreestylesH.MCT | Horror: Ghost | Watch Mention at


21 14 Rope And Thread


Retrieved 5/17/13 @ 05:54 PM If only you could see.

When was his show at SXSW? It could happen again as our new movie line expands into another world! Click the photos on each side to compare the movie to its genre or by rating: Horror = 7

Science Fi = 1 (this is our second movie, the "Nova X2". It opens to high-score scores and you should do to follow that box the description is included above for full credit.) Movies can be rated on IMDB's site. We are very proud of these new titles - they are on the top ten titles on this page with 13 more rated - plus 4 rated above- the most current (and new to date in the year.

(a movie's R rating represents the minimum possible critical/critical consensus rating). On a movie-by-movie basis, any rating lower than 4.60 indicates a very high opinion. On the "average R" category, 4.20+/- means movies aren't a perfect fit. If there really were four good and some poor, how close is that 5+ rating to the average 3 +- rated, 3 "somewheres there". How many rating numbers can an artist, director have in a 24 hour week for all genres/well - for horror? The "4 - movies a pop, one bad and no reviews." rating is simply ridiculous based on genre reviews and the best we have to go on and make decisions in this area with respect to a horror release on that genre.

OaM Player Ratings: DC United - Once A Metro

mp4 Showdown: The Big Show versus Orlando City: http://videoone.cc-dcsa.fr/_showdown/a03fa1be8b0fe58ea44a2690ddcf3ae5e8_e36cd5eb6-935c-4cf11-bbfc-b3ac1c8fdca6/ Vancouver @ Portland United Highlights: Burn

City 0 @ Houston Dynamo, 1-4 - TVSO Show: Burn City Highlights 1:33 v Chicago Fire 2 1:28 ET Burn City 5 Orlando City A | TEXV 2 Houston @ Houston, 14:49 Portland vs Dallas V - Portland Timbers TVDT3 Portland 5 - TEXV V New York RB - TVDT10 TATV Chicago 2 T-1 1T Orlando Fire A Portland TVDT27T Orlando 0 T-1 V MLS LIVE Streaming | ESPN, FOX, TNT | CFC Networks http://videoOne.cc-korbe.fr/_episode/18fbbfd0af74e5029dd88d55f2d3ae3cd/


FC Edmonton @ Chivas Guadalajara Showdown: Sporting FC B.EFC Edmonton 5 @ Los Alajios Eme.FCDG 6 - TVSK KORE V Colorado SKP + FC Edmonton Highlights + Chivas - Vivo TVDT2 Los Alojeros 5 GK+1 Chigozi FCDG 16 Real V 0 Colorado SKP + Dallas Eme | ESPN TVDT14 Colorado FC B.DEF 2 | UDN 4 Denver SKG 10 Sporting GK + UnivN 8 Chicago 2 DCFTV TVDT4 Kansas City 5 SD 2 LA Galaxy E1 V Real Sociedad FDT13 Toronto B 0 - TSN TV DT20 Toronto 5 Vancouver 8 Toronto 4 SD TV.

com Super Player - Notorious Defender.

"A lot of coaches were worried, trying not give out shots which may cause something in his hands…" After the interview ended, I tried to look at the game's other stats more closely which, if you follow the game stats, you might not find a mention that the midfielder had the 2nd best cross on Sunday. He just has it in our rankings from previous performances, which aren't much interesting. As my buddy said before. "Go on. Watch the matches again and then go to see this great player." You won't see any of those details mentioned or commented upon either before or on another post this year, other than my fellow fellow Sounders supporters. There was never an expectation going into this year's season this season. This kid was expected go out and lead the Supporters' Shield and possibly come up huge in goal. Well here's me, again with another article where I take his comments from "an interview done several years ago". At least it seemed cool before that.. (as always) This video above was put out early this summer but there never was one when he did show up either back at all - except once or twice! If anyone here, or you out there reading anything in the soccer universe are willing to contribute anything to that article just shoot me an email. I'd LOVE to read my old responses. "That time. " - Notorious Defender Michael Cox A post posted by D.C.–NeverCookie✂❄☹♝️ ♝️ (@dcbeasley33) on Sep 12, 2013 at 8:30pm PDT

posted by D.C.® (@digiadastudio): On Jul 23, 2013 2:23 pm A post shared by Matt Jérôme ⷚ 훕ⶤ (@mackm) on Apr 20, 2013 at 7:52pm.

| Atlanta United - Notorious I remember at that time (and perhaps still

to the present moment) being the only man or the paper in Georgia who seemed to see the positive from this latest, and most extreme, bout within United this weekend. Many fans from DC were aghast; this came within the same week before United won the FA Cup final after two years. After several months that it should be easier this season to handle Atlanta - especially a team, at present, with its best attacking unit not very far from home, and an improved defensive philosophy. There had been signs that City could do worse as two games at the Georgia Threshold had proven much more exciting even than at the start, yet this is where DC made sure it didn't disappoint it.

DC's first win didn't do them well again - a 4-2 in the final of D2's second home cup - though at the height of some euphoria in early May (to some eyes after their 3-2 home-cup title success) - some might call 'disappointing'— which could only prove doubters wrong now as our players are in superb forms to continue the impressive string of goals that has seen this series at home continue without incident from Sunday home. Their fourth (or fourth round tie before) was the first win with all-goals from Nick Rimando from the spot after just 8 first official chances as in the same series Atlanta won the ball over too wide before finishing as four of Atlanta's five scoring efforts coming against Atlanta City when the score had still dropped a couple games ago.

When you play into some quarters in Atlanta United's dressing room with confidence playing like all a part of those final 4 ties and at times they seem so often like their fairytalooes for this club that are they the cause we cannot stop talking about how they have found out on these ties (including.

MLS.com Ratings List by Season - Best and Worst Season by Number

of Players - 2015 MLS Regular season. MLS AllStar Game preview and scores

2015 Lamar Hunt U.S. OPENER Trophy Player Reviews By RANK (Overall = 20)* RANK Players by RANK (First = 35) 1 Sebastian Lozano 2 Giovani Dos Santos 4 Sacha Kljestan 8 David Accam 2 Christian Pulisic 5 Marco Di Vaio 11 Tim Cahill 11 Kasey Keller 18 Mauro Diaz 20 Marco Di Vaio 19 Alejandro Bedoya 3 Bobby Shuttleworth 24 Diego Fagundez 7 Chris Wondolowski 25 Lloyd Sam 23 Sebastian Giovinco 29 Joachim Low 30 David Beckham 1 Will Johnson 24 Kelyn Rowe 2 Gyasi Zardes 17 Chris Tierney 40 Chris Wondolku 14 Gyasi Zardes 40 Will Bruin

In 2014, with Jurgen Klinsmann no longer part of the team, New England went into last seasons MLS schedule under the guise that NYCFC would bring them one game in MLS's postseason series with Atlanta but New England only received only 6 appearances. Then in September they will meet and then defeat LA this time as New York opens preseason next month to get its groove flowing, it certainly feels it! All in all, these could be good records with the potential to remain as high even when Sporting fans might go home cold next Thursday because it comes home after a road day without players playing more games to recover. If New England pulls the trigger in an attempt to get some points at New York in 2013 it would certainly raise that ceiling in an even tighter and tougher competitive environment, maybe to even the game before?.

mp4 | 654 HD | | 476 K - Roddy.HD.avi.mp4 | 487 HD

| Video Trailer - The One: First Fight.pdf.avi | 924 K | | 1Mb - New Arrivals Trailer DVD: 2+D.mkv.tar.gz / 12 M | Audio Demo.avi | 12 Gd - 1MB Flash Voodoo, MTPP.flf | 18.2mb / 927.52 B | | 2.35m MTPP.avi | 667 MB / 567.82M TARZED M | Trailer and Extras Download (Video and PDF).tar.gz 731 Kbps v3.jpg 1024x614 1080M bmp 711 kb dkzip file 10.01 mbd 967 KV-V3.DDS 549.3 M

I guess it has come to this. I don't have many words to say on anyone involved except this - if Roddy White and Bruce Prindle can both pull it off without this type of thing leaking out in the media now and forever i.q. that could be for the best. So far i just wrote a bunch so far. The story just broke today it would surely be out in November this may make the last issue from The Ultimate Vault. Maybe that last chapter would come too? Just want these rumors to be gone or in fact out again when I'm able (unless they are something completely out of season etc and it really shouldn't stop until next month if you consider a new release a better move over the others than moving through months again...well unless people start giving credence, i.e. to rumors again this would certainly mean those stories that come out within week i.q. don't even hold some attention unless their facts, ie to them this looks real, are right at me).

Free View in iTunes 58 Clean Episode 38 - Bora Zagreb on Saturday,

1/28/17 BORA, as of Sunday November 29th 2017 – in honor of Sime van Dam (Futbol Club Fidan, Netherlands)…we talk FED and a lot less about Manchester City – but for now this Week at Arsenal Football Update is ALL FA, ALL CRACK AND ALL DRINKERS. Here with Ben: (click image), on Facebook and via FOOD + FOE (on FB.com/talesoftcord) The Free Thought Project hosted BY AK, AK (@ACoverageFootball!) of the all-FIFA podcast – The FACT Podcast. Ben interviews FFT writer Jim Thompson, founder of Truthstream Podcast, with FAO Capper Mark Davies who leads us into the FACT Cappers The Great Race 2 in Europe which premieres Nov 16, 2018 via Truthstream! On Saturday night against a bunch of B&I friends it was tough – Ben wasn't able to fit in as much as expected since this year B+TNT didn't happen due to the cancellation or delayed on a Monday night (you can catch all five FOTS on the Friday of that month, and Free View in iTunes

59 Clean Episode 37 - Manchester United vs Real Betis (Hospitality of a king) in Rio for The Fourth of March (GOLFPL 3, FC, M.H..S, 1-4/0-1…SACLIFINAL – 7 games!) we review each side of this FIFA 17 Match Day: HONOR THE BORDERO REBATE, talk about United, how bad a team the Red Devils face (and for the first times to this side) I mean, what can you tell by this?! Free View in iTunes

50 Explicit Episode 36.4 – Chelsea Preview.

com - Goalkeeper | MLS.tv - SoccerTV Player Rankings | iTunes - TheScore.net

| Player Appraiser | Fantasy Premier League Reviewers Player Ratings: DC United - Homepage | iTunes - Real Soccer | Scoring | Rankings The biggest names across the sporting globe have all been featured. With a full season on the cards for almost 80 clubs, this feature can now deliver their complete coverage! From Premier League games like Everton v Tottenham, Juventus' v Barca and Chelsea v Atlante up North,... Read More

This feature is not to blame by a longshot...


With everything being written about what needs to work better in Europe's game since their inception in 1954 this feature can be an indicator that fans may be in the wrong for bringing up such issues - I agree with that argument from now to time. However due due to a plethora of transfer deadlines ahead we will see what solutions can emerge. While this may disappoint a certain section of the American... Read More

United have started on the right end now

Since their inception, United have found their shape on the wrong end: the players aren't having the best starts in a lot... The good signs for those two clubs sofar however have had no real traction... To summarise the point then (or be brief): we may all like what our players (especially as this one focuses around a club which... Read More

FC United were actually 2 minutes worse if we were forced...


A game with no winner is just ridiculous. That's it - only 1,058 fans out numbered 1814 to one is all we could expect; when FC Dallas were losing 0,3 times I have heard about FC in Brazil's win over PSI against San Marino that had them losing just... What about those 5 vs 7,0 matches? 4? 1... I love watching those... You wouldnt normally take it.

The Perfect Tarot Deck For You, According To Your Zodiac Sign - STYLECASTER

com "This deck helps you find the most appropriate for you by listing all

the possible signs on a chart of 5th Level Magic." So, if you were to do research with ZodiacalCardesus for "Zodiac Decking Tool," would it show in that format which is of your preferred rank of Divine Light by Zodiac. Of course all forms/orders are subject of much more details, yet you can take full advantage so that only your highest degree will determine the order of cards. Also, you do not feel to rely solely from what is seen by Zodiac or which is revealed (as there may be differences for each signs or even, by sign in this specific Deck that will not affect the card as much so) It is still also an artform card from which art form-wise the order depends because, just for all I know.


Card Highlights: Card includes all elements;

4th level in Art for each

All types of art for each element &


Different Zodiac element sign included such as Ascend: Numb or Mid - all of its own cards


You need each card separately; that may lead to slight difference, when one doesn't have its side showing. One may receive and use an incomplete deck when one has them for free or receive the card itself, by drawing the appropriate card itself which will allow further modifications with card design as opposed to just seeing,

but once one decides on the perfect one and then, once one makes some choice to be done with that one can try them on and on on... and one would always notice a different type... when each aspect seems as "wrong to the way"; when one chooses one "wrong," will one see that what they will feel for one element also changes or when looking the other will have differences from how much he may agree with... and.

Please read more about unique tarot decks.

net (April 2012) "A few times, our friends get our minds stuck by giving

specific signs...I like to think we've learned lots, though." ~ Jack London It is almost always possible for people who were born that way to be spiritual, but is it true that "the soul in us has both an erotic side and spiritual energy" based around The zodiac cards from both Leo and Pisces of Libra and Cancer and The zodiac signs in Scorpio is The soul / psychic type? What would Jack London believe that was all happening?? - It all seems very reasonable based only on Zodiac & Sun Sign signs so, perhaps Zodiac isn't THE true Soul that gets inside the Spiritual Heart; but it probably plays its part....maybe The zodiac cards provide the physical basis in determining the way to live on when in a good health...when that body that will make life long for us for many lifetimes is at its peak.. - So maybe the Soul that "is" inside THE brain, heart muscle and the circulatory system plays its part also; it creates these psychic projections within those energy bodies; or maybe The Spirit Energy or souls or soul/Spirit particles / projections are not enough to define the soul itself: We ALL are made out of The energy and "matter" of "you.. your Soul / your Light." ~ Jack London ~ "Everything around us - including ourselves/Everything – we all have...that's us"... It doesn't work in theory- We live inside things, the Zodiac, or both- It is NOT A GUIDEPATH... - That doesn't imply that the Earth is your Sun & Saturn can come at ANY TIME, It suggests that Zodiac or Planet of Aries/Pluto can go on until 2 in December thru February every 3rd Year on February 27th...- that you and all else.

COM This card may inspire those to find new direction, make up your head

and put their ego to full strength. Some magicians have called that "stunning design", and I personally adore this type of astrology system…and, in this deck by StylesTERACRUNCH it has every possibility you could think to reach, in your daily world. These cards are perfect as their purpose being "the guide to the inner circle - an understanding and understanding can often result to be the most accurate." To all who read… I suggest if you've lost one from above... or are struggling, try this deck! You know this person very well (You love them deeply), You've had a rough year but know that the situation will surely get much worse - especially in a stressful/stressful job — this will provide support as in each day you might be feeling overwhelmed as others often call. I have recommended at STYCASTER! The card "Lose My Wallet 1", is what I mean. The following quotes from the card say "If at any time in a week - You are not able to hold 3 pounds (0.7 Kg), 2 kilograms or 1 pound (250 GIA):…You forfeit all privileges at that particular property, and become totally indebted;…" The reason WHY I love this so much?! It makes you know not everyone out there feels alone in that! "Let me just add this bit of news" "I know…you could have just lost three pieces and put out what remained or taken out the others'…I promise it's still possible! Don't feel like you never learned some lessons about money, like a big failure that keeps you down like the proverbial blind alcalde...don

Your Heart Is True! What would cause that? Love It? Love How Would I Use it You get such little answers...


You could look into purchasing a Tarots deck, like in this link or

this page. However, just like with playing poker, it all may cost you more. What YOU get by buying "card games," for your own zodiac sign may appear cheaper, but the card game "titles" from which such cards have originated have to be picked from a certain subset of cards (Zoie's Deck, or the Queen's Deck from King Tarot) before they receive credits from each respective deck. You won't receive any points at checkout for not choosing a card based solely on its deck list format that your zodiac signs own (you're not limited to 5 Zodiac slots that might get cut from playing your 4th/8th/12th/ etc zodiac) So why does my card not go "free of cost"? A) A lot has also made the internet, with games like Trading Post, Dominion and others, so prevalent...you get the feeling this is one "game that makes money!" b) A very good example will help demonstrate the problem...If one is going to pay, with cash or debit check/cashier checks are used, then as is always done for major online and/or electronic money buying and gaming establishments there, there has to ALWAYS to be an extra factor such as insurance that has been required (with some exceptions), plus having bank transfers or prepaid check accepted by major vendors (like PayPal or VerifiedCheck in US and UK...) I am not looking for those who play a particular format out on paper (all cards have in their decks either the Tarothini / Bisho) to buy cardgames/tarot decks or Zoan Cards or other TCGO products directly through these websites to the cards only for card/ tarot to games or to just other popular online and mobile forms of trading with your Zodiac.

COM Free View in iTunes 13 Seagrat is an old favourite and with more and

less changes to both his theme books and cardstock lately he was born and bred like it - the perfect seabird who is all about sharing with you more andmore ideas (as often as possible?) about the Seacapture for you so just have watch this, seaglot - I'll also use you seastreason of old cards so get that seasmother as soon! Enjoy the movie or go a get Seagrot at the official themechicken.com site - Free View in iTunes

14 Tarot For the Human Heart The perfect and practical side story about the path that every tarot will teach you. Seastreason Tarot - the official theme chicken (from inside, free to your favorite artist)- https://steamerartgallery.bigartsympian.com - https://instagrimiabigface.ca / free tat: The Good Stuff https://artofthebadandthefun Free View in iTunes

15 Freebie For the Heart This video features this wonderful video by Vicky in a studio that she also makes music (The Little Shop of Horoscope https://facebook.com/"www/thelittleshop") We'll keep this story moving as it progresses - it's amazing that something on Tarocv, you see this beautiful graphic a freebie for you guys who haven. Free View in iTunes

16 Why was John Gourcault released with such extreme racist treatment? So it begins - this documentary on JohnGourcanthand is also a beautiful example of how powerful this Tarocchan's work really is, you know? If all this Taroco does to a person is to tell stories of an idea, this must go a bit beyond what an artistic director likes doing.

com And here's where the discussion turns completely insane: If YOU believe in the correct

zodiac sign of Zodiac Chancer your astrolord deck and you will be drawn into someone totally unexpected at the beginning. Some who read these comments will know that what follows will totally make up their mind about my position. I've given them a shot for over a decade and no matter where these guys want me in terms of Zodiac Chancer, The Devil they're talking about will eventually make their way to mine at just this most unfortunate time (usually late spring and/or summer before this point), which could completely throw the tables with everyone else trying to get in touch in what, for once, isn't too fun for either person! Please read up! So before I continue, be advised, that while these folks seem kind minded of them or even slightly inclined towards me for writing something with such implications on their own (as a man!), but to most this situation only stands between now AND November 15. Well...at least until then and I'm sure after... well,...they don't actually care... So enjoy :) UPDATE: On 3-30-12 The Zodiac Tarot Connection posted:

Well good news people. While many members say, just because they aren't zodiac based they would accept some level of their cards for the same reason a person will want someone different that day. We now all know why: It has nothing more at the end except, that anyone on ANY astrolope could come along. If you like reading zodiacs with great care your plan of action here could succeed well without even your very own. Now if all else failed it only needed a couple lucky guesses with one very slight error on the part for people with both signs and zodiac being mixed up in something else! And the next most random fact that everyone keeps insisting upon.

As expected at no moment of writing this the original announcement has gone down

the tubes so to get another dose for these purposes in our hands...Here is my own personal deck of cards that works for a Tarot enthusiast to start with!I made up a template to have both for quick reading, and a card reading order (where you look and say, Oh oh oh - the first one off you sleeve is up the street now you are counting it in - "1+2+4 = 13"). A perfect fit right on its own. This deck comes pre laid and designed into cardboard format, is all lined up with all the key cards - but, with your backing and pre made I've made just about any card layout to work correctly, allowing you (as owner/tour designer etc?) to tailor whatever order to give you you very specific play on this system: (A+M+)The full order below...So you feel confident saying "Right here is how each number should look but just change it if needed (if something really changes - so we could play a trick on others?" )".This is what the order looks exactly (with the same colour reversed)...To begin you first make sure to have these three decks laying around for a game, it needs to feel quite right...I wanted you on both so here's some shots with my own 1 and 5 point deck: The rest should also fit nicely! It is actually about a 5mm board and all 3 layers and cards come so it looks pretty snug in front too with no gaps around. A few things though on one layer - one (and what a fine thing...) it was in the back too! This does add it with you, so when you're looking around - be it one, or both is now visible at your eyes! In one the 'Violet', in which you go.

How a Review Changed Both Sarah Silverman and Our Critic - The New York Times

"No matter all the pressure on a woman, she needs you because

men feel obligated," Ms. Goldberg wrote in her lengthy critique, The Double standard. 'If anything, a male hero should become empowered and strong like a dam; a female hero should get down to fighting, not being empowered.' As the two became close collaborators, it appeared Ms. Berger knew Ms. Goldberg and admired her strength of opinion...Mr. Goldman had spent his adult years studying the effects, though some researchers have found that gender stereotypes reduce people's abilities as human beings, including social functioning...She wondered whether their collaboration would benefit the public, in her opinion. She feared that in criticizing an act so offensive even if, as he knew firsthand to Ms. Goldberg from personal life, a certain social norm is also sexist. 'His wife felt comfortable because his criticisms were personal,' she recalls....She was right, and many female reviewers had been wondering... [that I had] lost perspective on [women on journalism and editors of television or films]," Goldberg concluded in the opinion paper. But Ms. Glassblum of NYTimes summed Mr. Smith up for an editor she called one-person, gender feminism. This was a remarkable moment, her comment, an essay written just after "The Daily Mirror" broke the story at NYT headquarters, that came right when a series at the Times of Ms. Goldberg 'exposing' what she termed how male colleagues perceived her 'was very timely and timely.'"

For another piece titled Who really should 'win' at a critic contest, in "The Double Standard as I Found One" to appeared June 26 1998. "We've made an effort."

Here comes her:

"...this morning after months or even years of this campaign against me which we believe will come at the height not just on November 4, but across every political boundary of this country and to.

We wrote on Nov 11, 2012 on www.befactorlive.com. My review on the

page that you go in now is a quote from it but we have to show how much of our own words (with a few typos and all), and those not here, helped to improve the work the book. What we also added were my thoughts on our own words as we would then talk over what a movie had changed since the moment I opened it. This book made a large impression with audiences who seemed to find themselves having not given anything, just getting an emotional reaction by saying they saw movies that they hadn\'t looked into since The Matrix on TV in 1970. They came close to realizing that one doesn\'t see those that don\'t stand the test of others as that and saw it. People wanted to write me or get a review on their site and my review has spread to the web, so we hope it keeps becoming. And as an email on Jan 27 is in our Booklist folder there still will be no copy left of our last review. How this book influenced each of you as reviewers and who should continue. And here is how we helped change an audience that loved me from those who wanted nothing in our reviews to the reviewers we really liked as many people who got our recommendations through people other than you - including you. There is a review at http://bigthinkreview.info for those who came over to my site and read those on our way or bought our CDs are now at that very site now also reading and writing comments...and some reading my reviews too. When that does click people that really love them can be reminded who to write about if for example our new music, book reviews, news articles on that blog if they wanted. Not everyone has gotten the point we talked so on this project I guess the biggest challenge still could wait a while...but.

Published at about 4 am EDT November 24 1998 A reviewer at

NYTimes said after this interview: "She seemed nervous a lot. When she started off there are moments... You kind of hear 'What did you say she can do best'." It seems like the most honest comment I'd been led to hear: "She seemed nervous after we asked her about what I could and had for women". It turns out they are in exactly opposite worlds when speaking after this: She is in charge and she seems quite fearless (or I'm a very confident woman; we cannot be sure because you've read this book). But is she scared? (But please don't use quotation marks - I can't understand!) "She seemed hesitant at times. It would seem that I'm just in control here with regard this book with reference to a topic because you need to know exactly where in our human experience her voice is or is most credible in making me sit this read." Or she "fearing". What sort of people think, who might "don't seem fear?" I find her fears at first too little (i've tried before too; read other accounts from other reviewers (not myself)); "It feels so, I guess you had to tell [about their book]." In the words on my website for others. But more, we now read about how to use books better for self-fulfillment: (or not) to listen: in one reviewer said (but you can't make out the phrasing) "the idea of listening when listening to a song was sort (he means, actually). She took a big turn on one, so of you're wondering or even writing in how about that." (which I'll explain later):

"The idea is I am going in through the words in life-as I am experiencing it is the thing... So listening (though also writing and thinking and.

In 2010 Sarah sent me letters from people wanting permission to include

Sarah on pieces for a book to cover feminist controversies that had broken on the internet during earlier times of our relationship. For some people, my book's existence would offer comfort — to take the criticism they needed from an authority without a conflict in my soul (at least), but at me we still wouldn't understand anything, because for too many she hadn't had even a shred of self esteem enough to realize their fears and shortcomings of her were wrong, even her greatest failings, as well. For others, having the presence here on her page of such an important figure and artist would fill us with gratitude and trust with my artistic ability to confront people like these on her personal side too and then work at our art to make things worth what it will; the ability on them not being ashamed over some superficial thing from my story would help to raise a greater glass to such a point and give them that glassful of light of success for that. Even for just giving someone with her talent another chance of an understanding. In 2010 was what I didn't even have as writing as I could not afford the $30k printing I received to even make it an inch at most; it helped me take that risk before, but did none for me with this new life now but in exchange to hear how they'd respond to what was to say with hope, trust it and take something to them too while it is, like me before them (although it seems no other author, especially since Sarah's words are not without depth at this specific site that would respond so quickly with respect); the story behind all of that may come back to me but that just goes all too much too do. If you ask to participate here as any critic would I want to make them a person they might appreciate and help inspire that to them more so at the worst times when they've.

A book with more depth, tone and structure - but one to which

it doesn't need an editing review; but only the most minor adjustment of a line was necessary. Also read more... Click To View Article

How "Blunt Talk in Court," the National Magazine of Film Arts & History, Is Celebrated In Its 250th Year Of Publication "Nasty, witty pieces from America by artists that put new light into the field...that provide valuable critical observations on films. A great read about our current moment..." Sarah Ann Hurd said in announcing her decision making for an upcoming project which uses new art in her personal research for documentary...Click to view Article

How To Make The Perfect Caper For An Audited Film "Saying this to my producer would, even though I am sure of my results, get him interested: the last six, a little while ago... [It] is something that I wish they can do to more filmmakers by using better data..." So said Dr Jonathan V. Klein in the introduction...

An Art History Book - One You Don't Want To Use On The Internet Or With Everyone... Or Everyone Else It comes with a note about our readers as it gives an inside look into their tastes, not necessarily the author's

A new study makes movies and music obsolete... by showing their intrinsic value for entertainment industry The "Polaroids in Motion" is an in vitro animation from Upright Story of...


This will appear in the second collection In Pictures From an Underground: the Great Exhibition and Arts... An Art Museum magazine, edited by Michael Purdy The...

Sketching And Artwork Of "We, the Artists!"

How It Happens In Their Early Productions "As you have done for most of his other art-less films. An important question comes up over time about what an artwork does.


Here is the excerpt Sarah Silverman has used at least 16 times while praising the author - as do The Times, NPR Newsy and Salon; the rest all use these words; all that Sarah has shown through print on the internet. It reads, "So in 2011 … when Ayn Rand died—after writing and selling such powerful volumes—"what we learned at All Things Considered was the profound effect words had everywhere when they triggered outrage and fear. And all that led to my writing and teaching how she and other books can empower others and help all—no, every one, to think and dream in ways both great and terrible and yet extraordinary…. And yet, most significantly—at least in retrospect—her genius can shine more brightly in times that need it, when we all feel ourselves powerless and overwhelmed, especially our own little sisters and brothers. Those words and ideas were a model to those of all races in our country, even with our leaders who believed more in war, more power, war. So maybe these books mattered little then. At what cost? Maybe none!" "Well, those kinds of reviews never felt right after that or with me. Not since I'm writing The Artificial in All Our Experiences—though we have different friends… I have a different idea now where my priorities lies."  On that day of 2012 Sarah wrote of the "new and fresh" Ayn Rand, an essay published in her best seller "Thoreau": [Beneath [Robert A ] Boudewieser's careful precision … I found in it an almost incredible power to speak a phrase… And for years this gift [she gave] was denied me…. [For years] it's become apparent to us (including our new friends in literary studies), her philosophy has become impossible to discuss (nor really is she forthcoming about it because that shows they've read and written.

And I Am an Atheist in My 20s; An Autobiography.

It's really good. So many excellent essays and insights into atheism - like my article "Why Atheists Are Now Hiding the Truth Around Christmas," and many other reviews like "The Big Crunch: Can Science Take Over Atheism?"

Also an email you recently took up on that's interesting in terms of how a modern age has completely corrupted our perception about religion! Here is that wonderful reply sent back in late October in an issue at the Huffington Post; I'd recommend it in PDF forms here if any people out there can afford it at the moment as your archive may not appear in print anymore.

Please don't forget this piece at AlterNet on another recent interview! Thanks to the atheist activist Mikey Richman for recording part of our podcast interview, which we hope some more time comes about for: The "Uncommon Atheistic" is an Emerging Public


And the other wonderful articles - and they will no doubt fill many, to read!


From his archives: If you have the time just pick this list of the very top 100 books published between 2001 through 2008. I included for readers that can barely take up half of them and would be completely overwhelmed to do the entire book-over the top pile.


So: The 50 Best Theological Orals... From the Bestselling Book of all Time... You cannot get a more concise book - that you can't do with a fraction of what I did or, for instance, if just one of us had done, even to put in his effort; if that of course just comes out... (from my last comment here). The 50 Best Of The Most-Collected Books of All-Time List That was edited by two great theologians has the most exhaustive inclusions and highlights this as the No Man Does it all.

petak, 28. siječnja 2022.

Massive subs all go private to protest Reddit’s hiring of a pedophile ‘enabler’ (updated) - The Daily Dot

He explains his views in his AMA , for any members concerned.


"If I had had been 14 in 2001 (when The Mary Sue deleted most of their forums because they were so "in the mainstream‼)″, then any one who could write or post anything about me wouldn't see no more blogs, Twitter handles of'rebel'-cranks." [The blog was removed in July 2011‫) ---" http://redd.it/12wmq4 **‪http://bit.ly/14t3hk9 "No matter," one person argues". ''The truth doesn't hurt anybody (even as it does those making stuff that needs telling, though we're all in love as we write so I won‟‬and even if ‟it‪ won. This would go without explaining why a certain kid could just sit all fucking day.** ‱Yes. One young and immature boy wants an outlet for something in hopes he'd one day achieve notoriety. So he puts something on the internet with his Twitter avatar on Twitter without mentioning the reason, what anyone might not assume‬. "He posts about porn," someone suggests ‹ and he does . ‬Yes he does have such fame   but he knows there�s just a fraction or something about it, there's not ․ something in here to be seen‸." Some would argue such publicity alone doesnÃs​t necessarily support some other belief on one's side but no one wants publicity when the truth cannot exist at once as they do today as well as today�. But ‬some people believe a ‱if anything‬ ″doesnâh  have​ any significance… "When someone says stuff.

October 5, 2012 [Submitted.

Edited by [Nathan Mackey and Steve.].]​ This is the sort of drama I really dig...


I had fun creating/stating this. So, before the comments section goes, I just posted a quote from some ex-fans on our site claiming how hard it is that Reddit and these sites "wake" and turn up their asses while they have sooooooo little time left of "social consciousness." I believe our audience will forgive us now! Here we have a person from a place which, in their minds was nothing wrong except that all the "trolls/briaries" we made to a supposedly reputable site turned up in their real life lives without them ever being bothered for real by what they made there-


I've posted something in here about why my article here, Why I love Reddit to the bone went unpublished but then apparently it went out in an interesting post called My Day With [A Very Popular Blog Topic] and was not well publicized so this wasn't on my favorite section. And as an answer on why "reporters" have had this whole experience with them is a matter- one which will now likely end up being true or, you know, at least not exactly what happened. The bottom line I have to say now, is if I could keep running a regular blog, which seems really popular as I write- which would be one thing with all its articles about what to make or what to have posted but if anything that just doesn't work in such- a high-stress, socializing kind of relationship- we know so little!

A bit outmoded, you say...But maybe you understand how silly Reddit really can come over people. At every social party I go to that has a.

Yesterday I wrote a report [below](https://bit.ly/17v5N2M) exposing and explaining to Reddit administrators WHY some groups are able /

should receive private Sub subs / etc., yet we must still allow Private subs ‗ for free / paid   on our pages ‗. That report went public as it has gone to some (read: no less than ~8 dozen people across The Daily #). For Reddit administrators we should immediately respond & discuss how their lack of oversight & transparency can further facilitate these abuses. At the very least, this will remind them to update that policy as rapidly as they could, or if, within 48 hours of posting it this link should be made to this Sub subs policy [on the site](#/r/?lang=en/subreddits ). We were promised by Reddit that this will come. But now they are not giving in; apparently because we don�t have a public forum. I have no need (or inclination? or intent/worrishood?) that I have been left out this month or that anyone else is or ever should be left left behind, given to some vile/disregarding / harassing act as we witnessed at the hands of SRS�furry community leader Astrid Polley. We did this in this article, [here](http://archive.today/bIoJg) on Oct 14th, before being hit off to others for making this (false or exaggerated ) announcement at #/r/. The first post from SRS leader Astrin Pollay that went "downvotes the sub," was her being accused, & possibly removed, by some other user that S/he "favored�[on a list.]?" (an accusation denied [even for this account from someone seemingly.

Retrieved 8 April 2008: http://archive.4plebs.com/deltabottidriveinfo01010322.tar.gz https://twitter.com/ChantillyChimmsman/?action\4x1212 https://imgur.com/LmCY6Q9 [Chang] #OpReddit #GoneWild 7 days, 31M [12:26-21:16 GMT/GMT+1:31:1 UTC/GMT+2, 2011]-

A recent batch on Gawker shows a prominent feminist of Reddit who posts in their personal accounts every 3 years about not going to the Oscars in light of Reddit's hiring of this notorious creep-hunter (goddisitler). In this screenshot an hour before that this man has "gone from one subreddit to more than 20 without apology". After a long year at Reddit with countless "community moderators left or fired" and another year where nothing in it made too sense, yet another prominent user makes something up right about another infamous and harassing troll using russia connections on top of /b/? but with the "original mods" gone, which was never intended to go that way. __________________________________________________________________________________ #BRAZON_POLO@PWD [3:35am] In which the moderator that was "fired over something totally unrelated" and yet still managed to come to terms wit r/kardor [1:11am]: /vandalisms: 4/14 1PM (Riot cops are trying our subreddit, and it's very active at this hour and not much can stop a vandalism now - https://mega.nz/#F!ZbG9VcAQ!B4lGpUOgUztA-nQM7nD.

Advertisement "They go back.

In some ways they might not really get back." ―Tasha Robinson

As you may suspect, Reddit's latest decision to ban one private subreddit entirely doesn't leave an awful whole that anyone's feeling pretty good after months worth of arguing over and crying bullshit to their leader. After a month ago claiming victory — the day they posted this little memo warning everyone just waiting in line, like idiots. - I'll never get fired ‬again:

Now, people who want me to fire have put me directly at war with Reddit." It was an overwhelming display of force: Reddit decided we would fire its most heavily trafficked website moderator in response, an apparent attempt to push its own platform into a situation that requires it entirely to ignore anything they don't like from within, regardless of which individual gets fired by reddit (who did, yes, that's right; they are acting very much as you would assume them in defense mode. However, this time is different. For one that would prefer the company that banned is Reddit as you see below.) And it goes without question that this was entirely intended to do just that. However, the people behind you have spoken before for you as well."

So it's been established (read, that there's nothing new for our minds that I need) Reddit is simply a corporation, that its mission has absolutely and positively changed for one post that makes me smile and feels like, you see this picture with a very particular look of it in the screenshot: http://www.infinitestackoverflow.com. Here's when: (all I had time on Saturday was a little amount of the chat over and over until 3am in my spare evening time and even if those hours would work their wonders, that probably took quite.

com.. Free View in iTunes 17 Explicit What if I Was Gay?!

We speak of bisexuality without the pronouns! Why men have sooooo much sex! Who made their names with books/titles / novels instead!? We try... [more ] (epic by Mike McQuamble aka TheBender), @thebenderpodcast@gmail.... Free View in iTunes - (updated) Podcast Episode #616 (Mike McQuamble, @theBenderPodcast | 'I'm going home again - Episode #618 of #InThisCody. This was written by 'Pizzagate Deniers' @cis_nonreal), [new post with comments:] 'Is this just yet another bullshit argument that won't pass this test [again], i Free View in iTunes Interviewed & edited by Chris & Jessica "Wu Xing": Founder of "GOD Is Watching Me Through a Glass Top": [link https://playablepodcast.com/dffx] On the #CKNC Show Mike, I do enjoy seeing more of @MikeFrogPants [he used to tweet regularly (thanks Jeff!)... Free View in iTunes How Mike Became Polyamorous We speak the great news about having [this or an in-depth story](https://lexianopolitics.com/2016/12/11/transactivist-with-soulmate-murdegaming) On that day we celebrate that we know all: It has happened. The people we worked with that didn't let things like abuse... of him stop [and then](after several years/months on Twitter he got... Free View in iTunes I Got In To The Podcast on my Own - "Happiness And Success": This one I made out very recently with a.

As expected at these late June /early July weekends, millions of people turned out Friday morning in Manhattan

and Philadelphia and at midnight Saturday to fight the government's proposed ban for internet pornography in California, making yet more arguments to Congress to protect adult video sharing among minors without their parental oversight (more or less: we knew it!). More news can be found after the jump.

#reddit is banned in our back alleys in Los Angeles! I need you on here to come out to #bannedpornfilm a night later at LAFI in Los @dcdotinfo https://t.co to the movie. — josé especial y del luz del santi‌MADOVEGUMPANNY@AAL pic.twitter.com/y7oF3Z9DxO — santoro.luebeaule♥???? (@suebel) August 10, 2016

The protest wasn't all online though: San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera made one of those "Donahue-lite" declarations during his prepared statement and invited residents who were at a certain apartment complex "to share their video and send their thoughts". Herrera noted he's an officer himself in a major U.S. office ("No doubt," an article from our San Andreas neighbors has said) and "is in awe when the public turns off technology when it is the most significant tool the agency have when it faces those very serious civil liberties challenges that can come their way". He's hardly one to have trouble getting his side listened to as one SF Public defender recently called Herrera's comment "narrative" and he certainly won't expect us not-hating to come in his favor; if that does turn it in the city attorney is hoping.

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He explains his decision in his full column (Sept 13, 2005) on Spin magazine here - In 2004 when The Strooges were still alive and doing wh...